Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fluffy cakes and dead flies

I'm getting rusty at writing. I started this post with some drivel about how blogging has managed to become simpler and yet more complicated, but realised that it was really just drivel, so now I've got this equally pointless paragraph instead. I should get better at this, right?

I also hope I get the hang of baking someday. Last week, I made a cake from some mix. Given my many failures at baking over the years (a cake that looked like my mum's wooden chopping board, cookies that tasted like flour balls, banana bread that's burnt on the outside and still liquid in the middle...), I thought mix was my best hope for some freshly baked cake.

Frustratingly, my cake turned out too fluffy. It was so fluffy I couldn't cut it properly so it just crumbled apart. D:

Incroyablement Ridiculement aere & moelleux!

Maybe I should have timed the mixer to the exact timings given on the box (I'm not very good at following instructions). Maybe I should have let it cool completely first (I couldn't wait to have cake!). Or maybe it's just supposed to be like that, fluffy but ugly?


When we first got here, the Hubs was very pleased that there were no insects anywhere. He repeated many times how great it was that we had moved to an insectless country. When the weather became warmer, we realised that they'd all been hibernating (I wonder where? Underground? How deep?). Overnight, swarms of tiny flies gathered under trees at face level. I went running one day and didn't swerve in time -- one of them buggers died in my eye and I had to go the rest of the way with a bug corpse in my left eye. Then the week after that another one flew right to the back of my throat! @#$%^

Many of these flies must have died similarly horrific deaths, because after three weeks in Singapore, I've noticed that there are far fewer of these swarms around. 

Bugs have also been coming in to our house. I don't mind the live ones that much, as long as they don't touch my food, bite me or fly into my view of the computer/tv, but I would really like to know why they have to all go and die on our window sills. Every week I clean off some buggers and then before I know it, there are more of their little corpses on the window sill. WHY???

Gargamel is equally frustrated.

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